Super Flexible Summer Schedule For Young Kids + Free Template

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Summer is a time to enjoy being together as a family, and maybe even check some of those fun things you’ve been wanting to do off of your summer bucket list!

But that energy can get burnt out quick, so let me help kick summer boredom and overwhelm to the curb with an easy, flexible summer schedule for kids to stick to!

summer schedule for kids

Summer Schedule For Kids To Keep You Sane!

I am not going to lie… summer has always been somewhat of a stressor for me.

My husband works later during the summer months and the days can be soooo long.

But once my daughter and I started incorporating some of our year-round routines into a summer version, have been enjoying our days together more and more!

It’s definitely okay to have some laid-back days, with NO routine at all, infact I cve those days sometimes!

But kids thrive off of some sort of routine, even if it’s easy and flexible. It helps them know what to expect and the days run smoother!

The beautiful thing about summer is that routines CAN be more relaxed. Don’t think of this as a strict, structured time.

If ever there is a time for flexibility and incorporating rest days, chill time, sleeping in, fn family activities, etc…. this would be it!

Soak up some of God’s grace and enjoy this fun and FLEXIBLE summer routine with your kids!

Tips For Creating A Daily Summer Schedule For Kids

Before we get into a practical list with a summer schedule, let’s go over some tips to keep in mind when creating one!

These tips will definitely help keep you sane, and let you have fun together as a family, without feeling overwhelmed.

Plus, using this time to grow closer to God and one another is priceless, and something that will have an eternal impact on your kids!

Here are some tips for creating a daily summer schedule with young kids

1. Less screen time, more free play

Now that you have passed over the rainy, muddy, beautiful mess that is spring (I’m a winter girl at heart) you can enjoy mostly sunshine and rain-free days!

Yes, the spring is great because everything starts to bloom again, but predicting the weather during spring (especially where we live) is like trying to get shoes on 5 toddlers at once.

It’s wild!!

Summer for the most part is pretty predictable, depending on where you live, and you have a good chance of sunshine and warm weather.

This is the perfect time to encourage more outside time.

Just the other day, my I needed to get some things done on my computer, so rather than bring my laptop to the living room, we headed outside!

She spent over an hour grabbing dirt, grass, and leaves and “feeding the worms” in the yard. Take a look…

summer outside play schedule

The warm weather can truly help bring out your kids’ imagination and encourage free play!

Rather than watching a show while I worked, we both soaked up some vitamin D and had fun!

2. Screen time is OKAY though too

All of that before to say, we actually do utilize screen time more in the summer than we do during the school year.

Wait, what? Didn’t I just say to encourage more free play?

Yes, and I think we definitely should do that!

However, there are days when we may be tired from playing outside all week or weekend, and we need a relaxed inside day.

After doing our morning basket, we may snuggle in bed and watch a movie! Because it’s summer, and we can.

Plus,I want to soak up her snuggles as long as she’ll let me!

You can definitely utilize screen time in a positive way with fun worship music videos, Christian TV shows, or audiobooks!

3. Incorporate chores

Summer doesn’t just mean freedom and running around making messes all day with no clean-up.

We still incorporate chores every day!

Loading and unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, cleaning up toys, all the things we usually do for our morning/evening responsibilities.

But the great thing about summer is these responsibilities can expand to more “fun chores.”

One of our favorite outside chores is to water our garden, pick up sticks from the yard, and wash the cars.

It’s still helping teach children about responsibility, but also taking advantage of summertime!

4. Stick with some learning

Even though it’s summer break (no school or homeschool!) we still do some learning type activities!

We have been working through our preschool journal and will continue to during the summer, as well as Bible learning games too!

Soemtimes we even incorprate ABC mouse – ourt library offers it to us for free home use, so it may be worth checking out!

It helps once the school year starts back to where there’s still some lingering normacly getting back into school routine, and not as much review when you start because you’ve already gone over it that summer.


Plus, it fills up time during the day, especially if it’s too hot to go outside or you have some extra time!

5. Adjust sleep schedules

For example, during the year when she has preschool a couple of days a week, and Saturday because of church on Sundays, we have a strict bedtime.

Our bedtime routine starts at 7:00 PM and she is laying in her bed ready for sleep by 7:30.

It’s tough those last few weeks when it’s still super bright out, but she needs her rest and energy for the week!

During the summer though, we expand that bedtime to around 8/8:30, so basically pushing it back an hour.

This gives us time to enjoy the cooler evening weather and not worrying about being home by a certain time!

We adjust back to normal 2 weeks before our schooling starts.

We also have been using an an okay to wake clock for a couple of years, which makes a huge difference in keeping her in her room until a certain time.

Even if she isn’t sleeping, she’s resting!

6. Get a list of fun activities to do

Make this summer and all summers moving forward even MORE excitng by putting together a great summer bucket list!

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but plan some fun actvities to do and build great memories as a family.

Here are some ideas to get you started…

Check out 70+ more summer bucket list ideas here!

You can even start saving money throughout the year, maybe put aside $20 each month to put towards fun summer actvities!

Here are 25 super easy ways you can save money today. 🙌🏻

7. Be flexible

Lastly, and most importantly… remember to be flexible!

Wear a rubber band on your arm and anytime something seems to go awry… give it a little stretch to remind yourself to bend along with it. 😉

If there is a day where are you and the kids want to snuggle up and watch movies all day… go for it!

This schedule is meant to be a guide, not a rule.

Take each day as it comes, and don’t forget to spend your alone time with God each morning, preparing for the day ahead!

Daily Summer Routine For Kids Example

Here is what our typical summer routine looks like with my preschooler-aged daughter!

This would work for older kids too, elementary-aged, and even toddlers.

Feel free to adapt it and use the tips above to fit your family, and enjoy a fun, relaxed summer with lots of fun.

7:30 – Mom wake up and have quiet time

8:00 – Wake-up (green clock) and breakfast

9:00Morning Basket & Bible reading

10:00 – Play outside

12:00 – Lunch & clean up

12:45 – Learning activity, chores

1:45 – Nap/Quiet time in room

3:00 – Free play (magnetic tiles, train tracks, etc.)

*Sometimes we do approved TV shows or Kindle time (I do set limits on her kindle!)

5:00/5:30 – Dinner

6:00 – Family devo time, play outside, board games, outside movie, any other fun summer activities

8/8:30 – Bath, prayers, bedtime

Things we always include: Morning basket and doing some sort of family devotion together. These are the most important and what we strive to do daily!

Things that are flexible: everything else! It’s a guide to help you with your summer routine. 🙂

Free Summer Daily Schedule Template To Download

Download your free daily summer schedule template below!

You’ll be getting a blank one to fill out and make your own, or you can stick with the one above and fill it in as a guide.

Print out as many copies as you need, laminate it (we love this pink laminator here), and hang it up on your fridge for everyone to see!

Download Your Free Summer Schedule Template HERE.

Do you want access to MORE awesome, biblical, FREE printables like this one? Get exclusive access to my free printables resource library here!!!

summer schedule for kids

Summer Schedule For Kids

I hope this flexible summer schedule, as well as these simple tips, helps your family enjoy this season! Remember to give yourself lots of grace, and enjoy time together. 🙂

What do you most look forward to in summer? Let me know!

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