12 Christ-Centered Thanksgiving Books For Kids To Read This Fall!
Are you needing some Christ-centered Thanksgiving books to stock your kid’s bookshelves with? You are in the right place!
Today I want to share with you 12 meaningful Christian Thanksgiving books for kids to read this fall!

Best Thanksgiving Books For Preschoolers
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We know that’s it’s easier to keep in the spirit of Thanksgiving during the month of November. Thankfulness and gratitude are words we hear over and over, and it’s a great opportunity to talk about it with our kids!
We want them to understand WHY we are thankful and WHO we are actually giving the thanks to, right? Not just during Thanksgiving, but all year long!
We want to make sure we are pointing our kids back to Christ… always!
That’s our ultimate goal as Christian moms and why I wanted to share with you some great options not only for fall reading, but that have a spiritual emphasis on thankfulness and gratitude.
Some of these we own and absolutely love, and I pray they bless you and your family during this beautiful autumn season. 🙂
12 Best Christian Thanksgiving Books For Kids
Without further ado, here are some faith-based books you need on your bookshelf this Thanksgiving to read with your kids!
I’ve also included the recommended ages for each in bold so you can scroll through for what fits your family. 😉
1. The Pumpkin Patch Parable
We have this book and love it! It is such a fun, cute story that shows the stages of a pumpkin growing, relating it to how we grow in Christ. The scripture throughout is much appreciated too! It’s recommended for ages 3-7.
2. The Blessings Jar
A friend of my mom’s got this book for her to read with my daughter, and I almost cried reading through it! It is the sweetest book about a grandmother teaching her granddaughter about gratitude in a fun way you can try at home too! Great for ages 2-5, but I’d say older kids would love it as well!
3. The Berenstain Bears Thanksgiving Stories
A popular option for lots of families, this book shows a very fun and literal way of celebrating Thanksgiving! The bears act out the first Thanksgiving with lots of fun props and teach kids how God provided for the pilgrims and of His many blessings. Recommended for ages 4-8.
4. My Thanksgiving Prayer
This board book is so adorable! It tells the story of a child thanking and praising God for the small joys in life. The illustrations are super bright and colorful, making it a great option for readers aged 2-5.
5. The Very First Thanksgiving Day
For those of you whose kiddos enjoy a little more history in your reading, this one is for you! This book takes you on a journey to the very first Thanksgiving. It’s recommended for ages 3-6 but I would say maybe a little older?
6. Give Thanks To The Lord
I have a soft spot for this book, because it incorporates Psalm 92 in a beautiful rhyming fashion. It focuses on the story of a young child who celebrates all the joys of family and Thanksgiving, praising the Lord for what He has given him! Ages 4-8.
7. Thanks For Thanksgiving
This book is a sweet story with simple illustrations and a great introduction to Thanksgiving for young readers! It really relates to what a young child would be thankful for, and is a great way to teach your kids about gratitude from an early age. Recommended for ages 2-4.
8. P Is for Pumpkin: God’s Harvest Alphabet
I don’t know why but this book sort of reminds me of Charlie Brown at first glance! The illustrations are very kid-friendly and just make you smile! It’s a very sweet and actually educational story, that uses the alphabet to take kids on a journey through God’s harvest blessings. Great for ages 4-8!
9. Bear Says Thanks
Kids love rhyming books, and this one doesn’t disappoint! It tells the story of Bear wanting to throw a big feast for Thanksgiving while learning all about thankfulness along the way. The great thing about this book is you can read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! I would say this would be for early readers, ages 2-5.
10. The Fantastic Gifts Of Fall
This book is actually part of a season’s collection from the same author, highlighting that God created everything, including Fall! This one is all about God’s autumn blessings, and has adorable illustrations kids will love! Recommended for ages 4-8.
11. God Blesses Us with Thanksgiving
This read and pray through book is a great one to have on your shelf! I absolutely LOVE the illustrations in this book. So calming and peaceful, and a great way to teach your kids all about being thankful in storybook format. Perfect for all ages, the whole family!
12. God Gave Us Thankful Hearts
We love the God Gave Us collection of books! This specific book is about a little wolf learning to understand the meaning of true thankfulness from God through the little things – yummy treats, jumping in leaf piles, etc. A sweet story for parents to read to their kids! Ages 3-7.
Our Personal Favorite Fall Books:
This is a tough one, but I have to say that our top 3 books from this list are The Pumpkin Patch Parable, God Gave Us Thankful Hearts, and The Blessings Jar.
All of these books are great options and it’s exciting to know that there are so many great, godly options for teaching our children about being thankful, and WHO we give thanks to. 🙂
Christian Thanksgiving Books For Kids
I pray that you and your kids will love reading through these fall books that point back to the most wonderful gift we have to be grateful for… eternal life in Jesus Christ!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and fall season with your family. 🙂
Which one of these fall books is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!
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